Mission: To provide accurate, up-to-date education on how to cope with Lactation After Loss to grieving mothers, as well as to the care providers who care for these women after the loss of a baby.

Expand Rowan's Milk Survey.
Develop a Brochure on Lacation After Loss for mothers.
Make Brochure and results of Survey available to care providers.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lactation After Pregnancy or Infant Loss Survey

As a result of my own experiences after we lost our first daughter Rowan, I am working toward improving Lactation Education for mothers who experience a loss. I am starting this new blog as a place to share women's stories, and have put together a survey for mothers' experiences with lactation after a loss in an effort to show what is needed and improve the resources available to those mothers. If you have experienced a loss at any stage of pregnancy or during the first year, please consider following the link to participate in my brief survey. With your help, we can get the information out in the open so other grieving mothers are not taken by surprise and can get the lactation support they need.

Lactation After Pregnancy or Infant Loss Survey

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